Saturday, 27 August 2011

He does not pray for one or two days or more


Sometimes the shaytaan tempts me and makes me do what is called masturbation, which leads me to stop praying for five days or two days or more or less according to the circumstances. What do I have to do? Do I have to repeat the obligatory prayers I missed? Or can I do naafil prayers to expiate for that?.

Praise be to Allaah.

You have to hasten to give up that bad habit, which is
contrary to dignity and chivalry. In the answer to question number
329 we have quoted the evidence
for it being haraam. 

You also have to repent for missing the prayers, because not
praying is a serious major sin; in fact many scholars say that it is kufr. 

Repentance includes giving up the sin, regretting what one
has done and resolving not to go back to that haraam deed. 

Do a lot of naafil prayers, to make up for the prayers that
you have missed, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said: “The first deed for which the people will be brought to account
on the Day of Resurrection will be prayer. Our Lord will say to His angels,
although He knows best: ‘Look at the prayer of My slave and see whether it
is complete or lacking.’ If it is complete, it will be recorded for him as
being complete, and if anything is lacking from it, He will say: ‘Look and
see whether My slave has any involuntary (prayers to his credit).’ If he has
involuntary (prayers to his credit), He will say: ‘Complete the obligatory
prayers for My slave from his voluntary prayers.’ Then other deeds will be
judged in the same manner” Narrated by Abu Dawood (864). 

We ask Allah to forgive us, you and all the Muslims, and to grant us all well being and to make us all steadfast.

And Allah knows best.

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