Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And no moving (living) creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allaah” [Hood 11:6], which means that He has obliged Himself to feed everything that lives on this earth of humans, animals or insects and so on. How do we explain the famines that affect some countries in Africa and elsewhere?.
Praise be to Allaah.
The verse is to be understood according to
its apparent meaning. The calamities and famines that Allaah decrees do not
harm anyone but those whose lives have ended and whose provision has ceased.
As for those who still have something left of their lives or provision,
Allaah brings their provision to them by many ways, which they may know or
may not know, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his
duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).
3. And He will provide him from (sources)
he never could imagine”
[al-Talaaq 65:2-3]
“And so many a moving (living) creature
carries not its own provision! Allaah provides for it and for you”
[al-‘Ankaboot 29:60]
And the Prophet (blessings and peace of
Allaah be upon him) said: “No soul will die until it has received its
provision in full and completed its allotted lifespan.”
A person may be punished with poverty and
deprivation of provision because of his actions such as laziness and failing
to seek means of provision that he is able to do, or because of his
committing sins that Allaah has forbidden, as Allaah says (interpretation of
the meaning):
of good reaches you, is from Allaah, but whatever of evil befalls you, is
from yourself”
[al-Nisa’ 4:79]
“And whatever of misfortune befalls you,
it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much”
[al-Shoora 42:30]
And it is narrated in a saheeh report that
the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) said: “A person may
be deprived of provision because of a sin that he commits.” Narrated by Imam
Ahmad, al-Nasaa’i and Ibn Maajah with a jayyid isnaad.
A person may be tested with poverty,
sickness and other calamities so as to test his gratitude and patience,
because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And certainly, We shall test you with
something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad
tidings to As‑ Saabiroon (the patient).
156. Who, when afflicted with calamity,
say: ‘Truly, to Allaah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return’”
[al-Baqarah 2:155-156]
“And We tried them with good (blessings)
and evil (calamities) in order that they might turn (to Allaah’s Obedience)”
[al-A’raaf 7:168]
What is meant by good in this verse is
blessings, and what is meant by evil is calamities. And the Prophet
(blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) said: “How wonderful is the
affair of the believer, for all his affairs are good. If harm befalls him,
he is patient and that is good for him, and if something good happens to him
he is grateful and that is good for him, and this is not for anyone except
the believer.” Narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh.
And there are many similar verses and hadeeths. And Allaah is the source of strength. End quote.
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