Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Re: Islam Q

I was wondering what is the ruling on someone who leaves the Salat? What I'm curious about is that I know many Muslims, including family who have Imaan and are Muslim, believe in Allah, but they never observe the salat. They wouldn't be considered kaffirs, would they?

It is not blasphemy if they believe it is a duty. However, if they scoff at it or make fun of it, or shows disrespect to it in any way, then they are not Muslims. This is by consensus. Moreover, many scholars, such as Ahmad ibn Hanbal and some Shaafiˆiys considered leaving one of the 5 prayers out of laziness to be blasphemy ( i.e. even without showing disrespect). This is in disagreement with Abuu Ĥaniifah and the majority of scholars.

SUNDAY, APRIL 08, 2007

Witr questions

Question: :
1. A brother told me that we must recite the last three Suurah of the Qur'aan: Al-Ikħlaaş, Al-Falaq, Al-Naas in the 3th rakˆah of Witr, Does this have an origin?
2. Also this brother told me that after the Takbiir for Qunuuţ in the 3th rakˆahs of Witr we must not fold hands but raise them like in duˆaa' and leave them them like that for the duration of the Qunuuţ duˆaa'. He told me that this was related from Abuu Ĥaniifah by his student Abuu Yuusuf (recorded in Al-Ĥaşkafiy, Ibn ˆAabidiin) Is this true?

1. You can recite any Suurah after Al-Faatiĥah in all three rakˆahs of Witr Prayer.
2. The Madħhab is to put one's hands like when reciting Al-Faatiĥah in the Prayer. Raising the hands as in duˆaa' is the saying of Abuu Yuusuf and is not the Madħhab. 

Re: [fiqh-hanafi:2] Using Fragrance in Ahraam and Halaq in Jeddah

1. A person used Fragrance (perfume) on his Ahraam for ^Umrah. But later (after coming back from ^Umrah), learnt that it is forbidden to use perfume once in Ahraam. What he should do now?

Answer: He must slaughter a sheep for each separate time he put perfume while in iĥraam. The slaughtering must be made in the Haram area in Makkah, by the person himself, or someone he has appointed to do it for him.

2. The same person on another occasion after ^Umrah went to Jeddah with Ahraam and got his haircut, then got Halaal (changed his Ahraam). Is this allowed or he should have got his hair cut within the Haram area? If he was incorrect, how to compensate for it?

Answer: He must slaughter a sheep for having cut his hair outside the Ĥaram area. The slaughtering must be made in the Haram area in Makkah, by the person himself, or someone he has appointed to do it for him.

Wiping the neck

I found the follwing in a article (please tell me whether its true or not what is said in the sources):
Wiping the neck during Wudhu is another Bidah
As evidence we have relied on the following Sunni works:
1. Fathul Qadeer, Sharh Hidaya Volume 1 page 31, Dhikr Wudhu
2. au Jaza al Masalik fee Sharh Muwatta Imam Malik Volume 1 page 34
3. Fatawa Qadhi Khan Volume 1 page 17 Dhikr Wudhu
4. Nayl al Authar Volume 1 page 193 Dhikr Wudhu
5. Meezan al Kubra page 228
Fathul Qadeer:
"To wipe one's neck during Wudhu is an act of Bidah"
au Jaza al Masalik
There is no Hadeeth to evidence the wiping of the neck, which is why such an act is
Nayl al Authar
"Wiping the neck during Wudhu is neither Wajib nor is it a Sunnah"
Answer: In the Ĥanafiy school wiping the back of the neck is mustahabb, but wiping the front, i.e. the throat is a bidˆah, and thus makruuh.

SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 2007

Re: [fiqh-hanafi:1] halal and haram

Although the scholars in their majority have said that seafood is allowed as long as it is considered fish, there is a difference of opinion regarding prawns, shrimps etc. I have been approached by a person who said that hanafis are not allowed to eat prawns. is this true?
Some scholars considered all seafood halal, since it is mentioned in Qur'aan that the sea's harvest is halal [Suurah Al-Maa'idah 96].

According to Ĥanafiys this is not absolute, but restricted by:
Suurah al-'a3raaf 157 which says we cannot eat kħabaa'itħ, which could perhaps be translated as "vile things". They interpreted this in terms of aquatic animals as "other than fish" (samak). Also, the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank) forbade killing frogs (Ahmad, Al-Bayhaqiy, Abuu Daawuud, etc.), so its forbidden to eat it. Frogs are aquatic animals, and this shows that not all aquatic animals can be eaten. Moreover, he forbade eating what has not been slaughtered except fish and locust (Ahmad, Shaafi3i, Ibn Maajah). Thus aquatic animals other than fish are not allowed to eat - although they are not najis. Non-Hanafiys attacked the above ĥadiitħs; it comes back to the methodological questions of when it is allowed to go by a ĥadiith that has some weaknesses. Ĥanafiys consider ĥadiitħs that have been deemed acceptable by at least one major Hadiitħ Master (Ĥaafiţĥ), as acceptable, provided that the Ĥaafiţĥ is not considered to be easy going in his criticism of narrators. Al-Tirmidħiy is considered easy going, for example, and so is Al-Haakim in his Al-Mustadrak.

Note that a "Ĥanafiy" is a person who has deep and wide knowledge of the school and its evidences. I.e. someone who is convinced that his school is the most likely to be correct. People who are not at that level are simply required to follow a mujtahid, and most of them allowed all seafood, such as shrimp, crab and oyster.  

2) In sahih muslim i have read that the noble prophet, may Allah raise his rank, said that the use of khamr (a form of alcohol) is not permissible to make vinegar. having considered this the issue of spirit vinegar confuses me. Spirit Vinegar is made by using alcohol to start with and during the process there is a doubt that there is some residual alcohol left. If this is the case then would this form of vinegar as well as any form that used alcoholic drink to start with be considered haram? some scholars have stated that all types of vinegar are permissible. please clarify
Vinegar is Ĥalaal, permissible to buy, sell and consume. I don't know of any scholarly disagreement on this issue, except that Al-Sħaafiˆiy had some reservations regarding vinegar that has been made by adding something to wine to make it turn into vinegar. 

3) When a husband and wife have sexual relations, the ejaculated fluid remains inside the wife sometimes for a few hours. during this time is she considered clean (once she has had the obligatory bath)? When she has had the obligatory bath and the fluid is then discharged does she then need to have another bath to cleanse herself?

Answer: If she had an orgasm then she has to repeat the ghusl and the prayer, because the semen will be a mix of his and her semen. If she did not have an orgasm, then it is his semen, not hers, so there is no need to repeat anything. 

4) Could you please clarify the situation regarding the correct pronounciation of the Qur'an during salaat. if the recitation is incorrect will this affect the validity of the salaat. I have been to a few different mosques and have noticed that during the last portion of surah fatiha the imam's either pronounce as
"ghairil maghdhubi alaihim waladh-dhwaaalleen"
"ghairil maghzubi alaihim walaz-zwaaalleen"
which of these is correct?  

Answer: I do not fully understand the transcription used above, but there is no "w" sound in "đaalleen". Also if you mean by z in zwaaalleen, the sound z as in "zenith" then this is wrong. Pronouncing "đaalleen" with a w or z as in zenith would invalidate the prayer, because these words are not in the Qur'aan. 

if one stands behind an imam who recites incorrectly is that person's salaat accepted?
Answer: It is invalid if the imam pronounces words that are not in the Quran or that changed the meaning of the Quraan.

Medical Insurance

Question: I am a convert to Islam. I want to know what is the ruling in Islam with regards to going for Medical Insurance. Please clarify.
I am glad to hear that you have taken this step and embraced Islam. I myself converted to Islam years ago. One of the basic beliefs of Muslims is that Allaah is the Creator of everything, including benefit and harm. This is because nothing can happen without His knowledge and nothing can overpower His Will. It is the only rational belief then, to believe that everything happens according to His Will.
In light of that, Muslims are required to rely on Allaah for their needs, and remain firm in knowledge that no one can escape the harm that He has willed, or prevent the benefit that He has specified for a creation. Insurance of any kind is very much contrary to this obligation of relying on Allaah, rather than on worldly promises.
One of the wisdoms in insurance being prohibited in Islam then, is that engaging in it prevents one from truly relying on Allaah. There are also other wisdoms that can be understood with some pondering.
In any case, with regards to the verdict. It is strictly prohibited to buy insurance in Islam, whether it is for healh or anything else. This is because buying and selling risk is not allowed by consensus of reliable scholars. Bying insurance is buying risk, because you are buying an unknown amount to be delivered at an unknown time in the future. It also involves the contractual condition that you will pay a certain amount of money now in order to get paid more back of the same kind of money if the future accident should require it. This is what is called ribaa in Islam, because it is like interest on loans, and is one of the greatest sins. Hope that helps.

Re: al Makki

Are Ibn Hajar Al Makki and Ibn Hajar Haythami al Makki and al Haythami (author of Majma al Zawaid) the same person? And all three Shafis?
Answer: Ibn Hajar Al Makki and Ibn Hajar Haytamy are the same person, and it is Haytamiy, not Haythamiy. The other person is Nuuru-d-Diin Al-Haythamiy and is a different person. Both are Shaafiˆiys.


Ĥadiitħ of the blind man, how did the majority interpratate it?

Please tell me how (commentators of Hadith) have interpretated this Hadith;

حدثنا محمود بن غيلان حدثنا عثمان بن عمر حدثنا شعبة عن أبي جعفر عن عمارة بن خزيمة بن ثابت عن عثمان بن حنيف أن رجلا ضرير البصر أتى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال ادع الله أن يعافيني قال إن شئت دعوت وإن شئت صبرت فهو خير لك قال فادعه قال فأمره أن يتوضأ فيحسن وضوءه ويدعو بهذا الدعاء اللهم إني أسألك وأتوجه إليك بنبيك محمد نبي الرحمة إني توجهت بك إلى ربي في حاجتي هذه لتقضى لي اللهم فشفعه في
Tirmidhi relates, through his chain of narrators from 'Uthman ibn Hunayf, that a blind man came to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and said,
"I've been afflicted in my eyesight, so please pray to Allah for me." The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: "Go make ablution (wudu), perform two rak'as of prayer, and then say:
"Oh Allah, I ask You and turn to You through my Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy; O Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I seek your intercession with my Lord for the return of my eyesight [and in another version: "for my need, that it may be fulfilled. O Allah, grant him intercession for me"]."
The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) added, "And if there is some need, do the same." (in a narration of Tabarani probably)
All of the reliable scholars of Islam say that this supplication can be made, just like that blind man did. Objections to that, in contradiction with consensus, was innovated by a deviant influenced by greekish pagan philosophy in the 8th century after the Hijrah only. Such objections should receive no attention.

Abu Adam

Marriage without witnesses

In hanafi fiqh; without witness does defective nikkah exist and if it exists can couple re marry  or do nikkah again after the seperation in defective nikkah?

There is no marriage contract without witnesses.

Zakaat on money

I invested 1000$ on 1st of Muharram of a year, on the 1st of Ramadan of the same year I got profit of 20$ from that 1000$, so what would be my calculation of jakah on the next year  of 1st Muharram, on the basis of 1000$ or 1020$?

You need to sum up all the cash and properties intended for trade you have minus any outstanding debts. The sum of this is the basis for Zakaat. It does not matter if you have invested it or not. Once you have a nişaab, which is about 85 grams of gold or 595 grams of silverin value, then you wait for a year. If you still have the value of a nişaab, then you should pay 2.5% of what you have at that moment in Zakaat.

Reciting in the 3rd and 4th rakˆah

Reciting in the 3rd and 4th rakˆah

Question: do we recite a suat after surat fateh in the 3rd and 4th rakat of farz namaz?Many thanks in anticipation.

Answer: No, you only recite Al-Faatiĥah in the 3rd and 4th rakˆah of farđ (obligatory) prayers. In other prayers, such as witr or sunnah prayers, you add a suurah.


Ghusl and fasting

Question: in ramadan after intercourse a person can have fast bt the thing which confuses me is after having fast  when it is necessary to take bath as i know it is as early as possible bt a frend otherwise our fast is not right a frend of mine arguing with me that it is not necessary to take bath as early as possible as if we did'nt have the bath till aftari then our fast remaind the day bt i said that in this condiion we dont have right fast as it shuld be .can u plz help me to solve my confusion
waiting for reply anxiously

Answer: It is not necessary to have ghusl to fast. Ghusl is necessary for prayer, not fasting.


Re: Fiqh Question

My question is in regards to alcohol in foods according to the Hanafi madhhab. Recently, my  mother purchased a chocolate brownie cake which contained ehtyl alcohol and propylene glycol. I was wondering if it would be permissible to consume since the cake has been baked. Or if it's haram regardless.

Answer: It is forbidden to eat this cake. 


Questions on ţahaarah, prayer and covering the ˆawrah

1- What's the ruling for eating halal food in plates / bowls/ pots used for cooking haram food in there?

Ĥanafiy Answer: They have to be cleaned in flowing water until all traces of najis filth are gone. If they have been washed in the kitchen sink, run some water from the tap over them before using them. If they have been cleaned in a dishwasher, then that should be sufficient if the water is changed 3 times or more (even if it was mixed with soap.) In the Shaafiˆiy school, however, if the najis is from a dog or a pig, then it must be washed 7 times, including one time with water mixed with soil.
2- Are my prayers valid for a Muslimah ( who follow Shafie mazhab) with her hand uncovered because running out of prayer time and don't have the clothes for praying (to cover her hands)

Sħaafiˆiy Answer: If you mean from below the wrist, yes, otherwise: no.

3- What's the ruling for hair colouring because of the chemicals used in the hair colour that make water don't go through the hair ( when making wudhu' or ghusl)

Ĥanafiy Answer: I one uses something that actually prevents the water from reaching the hair, then this prevents wuduu and ghusl. This is not the case, however, with normal hair coloring.
4- Is red / white wine vinegar" / "rice wine" etc halal? How about those things found / mixed in food ingredients such as bread , crab stick etc?

Ĥanafiy Answer: As long as there is no alcohol present, or other najis substances in the ingredients, it is halaal. Note that seafood other than fish is not halaal in the Ĥanafiy school, but the other 3 schools allow it.
5- What I understand , anything that comes in contact with dogs (its hair or saliva), needs to be washed 7 times. My husband's mother has dogs. What should me and my husband do every time we go to visit her? Because it's important for a son (even after he becomes a Muslim) to have a good relationship with his mother regardless of her religion Or we just can't be bothered to visit her?

Ĥanafiy Answer: The dog saliva and sweat is najis, but there is no need to wash with soil except according to Asħ-Sħaafiˆiy. If you come in contact with a dry dog, this does not transfer any najis to you. Only if it is wet, because its sweat is najis, or if it licks, because its saliva is najis.
6- When is the valid time to say niyyah (intention) for fasting ( Ramadhan, qadha' and nazr )?

Ĥanafiy Answer: in Ramađaan before half the time of fasting has passed, but in qađaa' or nadħr, only before fasting time starts. Asħ-Sħaafiˆiy says one must make the intention of fasting before fasting time starts even in Ramađaan.
7- Who is in my husband's family when I shake hand with them and etc will break my wudhu'? Is my wudhu' valid when I touch my mother in law, my female in laws, my father in law, my husband's uncles?

Sħaafiˆiy Answer: Shaking hands with a non-maĥram of the opposite gender that has reached an age when a normal person might find him/her attractive breaks one's wuđuu. This would apply to your husband's uncles and brothers (if any), but not his father. In front of these you are not allowed to show more than you hands below the wrist, and your face, and it is sinful to shake hands with them.
8-My relative takes medications to thin the blood because of health conditions,what if I find some old dry blood traces on clothes, sheets etc. I've tried washing the blood from the clothes used for prayer. Is it najis for the blood's on the sheet that's hard for me to wash it off?

Ĥanafiy Answer: If you have washed it several times in different waters, or with flowing water, and some trace of color remains that will not go away with using water alone (but would need soap or chemicals), then this is excused. 

Modality of 4 Rakat Sunnat Ghair Mokkada

Question: This question relates to a 4 Rakat Sunnat Ghair Mokkada. I have seen
many poeple who do not recite durood (At Tahiyyatu and Allahumma Salli
and Allahumma Barik) in the second rakat of Sunnat Ghair Mokkada. They
perform the Sunnat Ghair - Mokkada just like the they perform the
Mokkada Sunnat. Following is the way I was told to do it. Could you
tell me if i am doing it correctly?
Rakat 1 - Subhanaka, Fatiha, A Surah, Bowing, Prostration (Two times)
Rakat 2 - Fatiha, A Surah, Bowing, Prostration (Two times), At
Tahiyyatu, Allahumma salli, Allahumma barik
Rakat 3 - Subhanaka, Fatiha, A Surah, Bowing, Prostration (Two times)
Rakat 4 - Fatiha, A Surah, Bowing, Prostration (Two times), At
Tahiyyatu, Allahumma salli, Allahumma barik, Rabb'ana Atina

Answer: That is correct, as you do it, but add "aˆuudħu billaahi min asħ-sħayţaani r-rajiim" before the Fatiĥah in the 1st and 3rd rakat.


Marital relations

Question: If you say talaq 3 times consecutively (within 5 seconds) to your wife, can you go back to her during her Hada period?

Answer: No, these are three divorces, you cannot even marry her again until she has been married to another person and had intercourse in that marriage.

Question: Is oral sex between a husband and wife allowed in Islam?

Answer: Only if one can avoid swallowing the fluids of the sexual organs.

Question: If you do not want to grant talaq to a wife but she wants talaq and she does not want to have sex with you for a year, can she ask for divorce on the ground of No-Sexual relationship for more than 4 months?

Answer: The husband has to agree for a divorce

Re: eating meat from non-muslim supermarkets slaughtered in a non-islamic way

1.Is it halal to eat the meat (like chicken, cow , goath, etc and products that contain these meats) from non-muslim supermarkets slaughtered in a non-islamic way (without basmala) ?

Meat that has not been slaughtered islamically cannot be eaten, even in small amounts. To do so is an enormous sin. Saying bismillaah does not not change this.

2.Is it halal to eat fish from those supermarkets?

Yes, fish is allowed to eat, even if caught by a kafir, because it does not require slaughtering.

Nikah done over the phone

Question: Nearly 2 years ago, I met someone over the internet and fall madly in love with him. I am now 19. In January this year, we decided to get our nikkah done over the phone. His big sister was a witness on his side, and My 15 year old brother along with my 13 year old sister. We both said "i * * accept you * * in front of these witness and in front of Allah subana thala as my wife/husband" ever since then we have considered ourselves married. I am now worried, as since then, although we havent had intercourse, my husband has touched, hugged, kissed and caressed me. Is this haram? Am i not married? Cant i re - marry him?

Answer: You are not married. You need to perform the marriage contract in front of 2 male, adult, muslim witnesses, or 2 women with one man. This cannot be done over the phone, because the witnesses need to see who is conducting the contract.